The practice
My practice is located in 35578 Wetzlar, Bergstrasse 47.
Wetzlar is situated in Hessen, in the centre of Germany. The next airport is Frankfurt International Airport.
If you like more information about Wetzlar, please see There you also will find a map of the city and information about spending your leisure time.
Arrivels by plane
There are three possibilities:
- Taxi:
We can organize a transfer by taxi to my practice or your accomodation. Transfertime from Airport Frankfurt to our practice is round about 1 hour. - Train: First you have to catch a train to Frankfurt main station (“Hauptbahnhof”). After that take a train to Wetzlar. Direct connections from Frankfurt to Wetzlar are existing. It takes about a one hour journey. When you are arriving Wetzlar, you can take the bus with the number 12 or 13 direction hospital (“Krankenhaus”), get off the bus at “Neuer Friedhof”. After crossing the street, turn left and go straight. You will find the practice after about 300 m on the right hand side. It is a white house with blue coloured windows.
- Rental car:
If you are travelling with a rental car, please see the description below.
Directions for arriving by car:
Take the motorway A5, direction Kassel. After about 50 km leave this road and switch to the A45 direction Giessen. Take the Exit “Wetzlar Süd” (Wetzlar South), and turn left to the L3451 direction Wetzlar. This road automatically ends in Wetzlar in the “Frankfurter Strasse”. Turn right and drive down hill by using the left lane. After about 50 m you will see my practice in a white house with blue coloured windows on the ride hand side.
Many of my patients are coming from far away and have a long journey to my practice. Due to a therapy block of a about 4 to 12 days they have to stay somewhere for the time of treatment. I know that a stay in a hotel could be very stressful and also expensive. Espacially if the patient suffers from a food intolerance, a need for a special diet exists, secondary disorders or a handicap. Therefor you have now the possibility to rent a therapy flat directly situated in the house of my practice and the medicus Institut SinaVita. The flats are supplied with a hearing equipment in both appartements.

Should you have problems obtaining a visum to come to Germany, we are glad to help you by talking to the embassy or by sending you a certificate saying that you will be a patient in my practice.
Leisure Time
For your probably scarce leisure time I have selected a few facilities which
are all in walking distance to my office (with the exception of the indoor swimming pool):
Playgrounds (at the historical city center):
Colchester park
Avignon park
Rosengärtchen (rose garden)
Swimming Pools:
outdoor swimming pool “Domblickbad”
indoor swimming pool “Europabad” (direction “Hüttenberg” by bus or car)
Museums (at the historical city center):
Lotte Museum (Lottemuseum)
City and Industry Museum (Stadt- und Industriemuseum)
Jerusalem House (Jerusalemhaus)
Imperial Chamber Court Museum (Reichskammergerichtsmuseum)
For a free weekend or free days before or after the therapy, you can enjoy
these facilities or activities:
– Adventure Parcours Climbing Facilities (Abenteuerparcours Kletterpark)
– Adventure Trail (Bodenerlebnispfad)
– Center for Nature Conservation (Naturschutzzentrum)– Four Towers Walking Tour (Vier-Türme Wanderung)
– Paddling on the Lahn River (Paddeln auf der Lahn)
– Water and Fun Park in Aßlar (Erlebnisbad in Aßlar)
Please contact Wetzlar’s tourist center for further information:
Tourist Center
Domplatz 8
35578 Wetzlar
Telephone: +49 64 41 99 77 50
The area of Wetzlar has the following attractions:
– Altenberg Monastery
– Fortuna Mine (abandoned mine)
– Bell Museum on Greifenstein castle
– Zoo in Weilburg
– Hessenpark near Friedberg
Also these cities in the vicinity of Wetzlar are worth seeing:
Limburg, about 45 km, 45 minutes by car
Marburg, about 40 km, 30 minutes by car
Braunfels with castle, about 25 km, 20 minutes by car
Weilburg with castle, about 35 km, 30 minutes by car